Create Your Own Currencies, Tokens, Points & More

Read our Instructions & Knowledgebase PDF before starting!

You must have Metamask logged in and a small amount of Ether (~$0.50 USD of ETH) available to create uCurrencies.

* Please note this is still a beta DApp and we will continue to upgrade the software regularly. As all important functions are completed on-chain, there will be some waiting times required for mining and confirming your transactions directly on the Ethereum blockchain.
? Name:

? Currency Ticker:

? Decimal Places:

? Peg to UCASH:

? Max Amount: (Optional)

Once the create contract transaction has been confirmed by the Ethereum Blockchain, scroll down below and approve some UCASH for the smart-contract to spend on your behalf for conversion transactions. Then go to the Convert Page, select any available uCurrencies in your wallet as the "Start Currency" (UCASH to start) and select your created currency as the "End Currency" and convert between them.

Approve the uCurrencies contract to use your UCASH for conversion transactions.

? Amount of UCASH:

You have approved: ***** UCASH for the uCurrencies Contract
Want to pay by a different method, need help, or want to create a custom currency?